Diamond Upgrade

For as long as diamonds have been used in jewelry, they have been cleverly linked as the symbol of never-ending love. They are the quintessential representation of luxury, strength, desire, and beauty. Emotions have naturally become intertwined into the purchase of a diamond. Sometimes a diamond that was purchased years ago needs a diamond upgrade. […]

The Broken Diamond Certification System

Today alone I have viewed and personally graded 6 diamonds. All 6 were certified, and by well known labs – GIA, EGL-USA, EGL-International, and IGI. When I came across the third diamond that had a questionable grade on the certification, I decided it was time to write a blog. The subject of diamond grading is […]

Where should I sell my diamond jewelry?

As the price of gold rose in recent years, so did the companies advertising that they purchased gold, silver, diamonds and other precious metals. The trouble is that while any company can purchase these items, very few are actually qualified to evaluate theses pieces accurately and assign a fair value to them. It’s especially true […]

Jewelers Trust.. Should you trust your jeweler?

Jewelers tend to be one of the most looked to, and trusted professionals by individuals. This trust comes often comes from the public’s view of what it takes to be this type of professional; years of experience, training, education, and knowledge about a specific industry. Other professionals that often obtain this level of trust would […]

Diamond Buyer Reviews

Let’s talk Reviews for a Minute Diamond Buyer Reviews are not always what they’re cracked up to be. Of course there are many legitimate reviews for everything on the web, but there are also those that work hard to appear true to their word. From car dealers to drug stores, reviews and review sites are plentiful. For […]

Misrepresentation in the Marketplace

A friend of mine recently asked me to go shopping for an engagement ring with him. His jeweler of choice was one of the large national chain jewelers, mostly located in area malls. When we walked in, we were immediately greeted by a woman whose only goal seemed to be for us to open a […]

Louis Vuitton vs Target

Successful brand names can help create an allure and the idea of high quality. A woman may choose to pay more for a leather handbag because it carries the name “Louis Vuitton” or she may choose to purchase a specific line of hair care products because she’s “worth it”.  Branding can help to distinguish products […]

Diamonds Are Forever, But is their Value?

Diamonds; they are the quintessential representation of value, wealth, luxury, strength, sparkle, and beauty. According to De Beers Consolidated Mines Company of South Africa, “A Diamond is Forever”(De Beers, 2011). Diamonds are Forever: These four words seem to have capsulated the retail diamond industry and are responsible for planting a misconceived idea of a diamond’s […]

Taking a Step Back – diamond buying companies

In our previous blog posts, I have written mostly about the process and mechanics behind the diamond industry. Truths about the actual value of diamonds, as well as how they reach their price tag value by the time they reach a woman’s finger. While our website sheds light onto our massive crush on diamonds and […]