Knowing your diamond can spare one broken dreams

When it comes to selling something, whether it’s a complex electronic or a chocolate chip muffin, it is critical to know what you’ve got. If you were at a local bake sale and asked if the chocolate chip muffins had nuts in them, and the baker replied, “I don’t know”, you likely would not take […]

Fancy Cut Diamonds: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

It seems that everywhere one turns there are new colors your supposed to wear this summer, the hottest shoes seen in store everywhere, right down to the newest engagement ring design Angelina Jolie is sporting. When it comes down to it though, these products only carry value if someone finds them appealing. The same bright […]

Ethical Standards in the Diamond Retail Industry

I want to start off by pointing out that these are blanket observations, and are my own. There are many loyal, trustworthy, and honest individuals in the diamond retail industry and it is important to give them credit for their efforts to keep the industry ethical, and to keep hard earned consumer confidence. Ethics. They […]

The Power of the Diamond Consult

In a busy season that has been filled with client appointments, phone consultations, and auctions this past week has stuck out above all others. I had two appointments this week that resulted in some reflection and a new drive that I feel is important to share! As I entered this business, I thought I would […]

Diamond Déjà-vu

Three times last week I felt like I was having déjà-vu. That feeling like you have already been somewhere before, or had a similar conversation but you cannot place it. I quickly realized that it was not déjà-vu but rather I actually was having the same conversation multiple times. They all went something like this: […]

Chocolate, Champagne, Cognac – Better to eat & drink, or to wear?

Now that the holiday shopping season is in full swing, I thought I should shed some light onto a few things I have noticed. Granted I started seeing holiday shopping guides, commercials, and advertisements the day after Halloween, but now that we are mid-December, it seems the jewelry industry especially is pouring on the deals […]

Tiffany Diamond, some clarity is needed… What are they compared to other diamonds?

Recently I have been approached with Tiffany Diamond engagement rings. Their owners seem to be having difficulty getting offers that are remotely close to their asking price. The commonality between all of these clients is that they kept stating that their diamond was a “Tiffany Diamond”, and therefore is worth more than a diamond of […]

Diamond Appraisals, exactly what are they? Dissecting the jewelry appraisal

Diamond Appraisals seem to be following me wherever I go these past few days.  Lately I have been working with clients who either are using their appraisal incorrectly, or who do not have one at all.  I have written a blog similar to this before, but it seems time for a “refresher”. When it comes […]

Diamond Certification Mis-Hap

For a quick refresher on the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) color and clarity grading scale, please click HERE! I want to share an experience that really struck me this week. It exemplifies the importance of consulting with a professional before making decisions based on Internet research that may or not apply to every situation. […]

MJ Gabel “gets it”

It has always been easy for me to speak about diamonds with clients, and take some of the emotion out of the conversation. Today however, it struck me for the first time what this little rock genuinely represents – it’s truly amazing how something so small can represent so much. Being a Gemologist with a […]